As the global warming crisis deepens, we are becoming collectively aware of the need to adopt greener lifestyles. One of the keys to sustainable living is reduced dependence on fossil fuels. All in all, getting home solar panels installed is an ideal way to transition to cleaner household energy consumption and gain energy independence in the process.
In this article, the Suntria Solar team outlines the 5 key reasons solar energy contributes to sustainable living.
Solar is a Zero Emission Energy Source
The energy grid in most U.S. states is powered by fossil fuels. Collectively, power plants throughout the country contribute to over 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. Given that electricity is demand-driven, when people use less, harmful outputs like carbon emissions are reduced.
By contrast, solar panels create zero harmful carbon emissions. The light of the sun fuels the power bank, and that power bank provides electricity to the home or office. Consequently, solar installation has a profoundly positive impact on reducing your carbon footprint.
Solar Energy Contributes to Clean Water
Given that the primary power grid relies on fossil fuels, it is important to consider how these energy sources are created. In particular, they impact our clean water supply, which is by far the planet's most vital and precious resource.
Fossil fuels pollute our waterways and groundwater
When fossil fuels are extracted from the earth, waste materials leech into the groundwater, and acids run off into freshwater sources. This same freshwater is fed into households that rely on that water for drinking and bathing.
In particular, fracking (a method for extracting fossil fuels) has potentially harmful effects on the environment, with the potential to cause disruptions to the water supply.
Solar energy has no harmful impacts on freshwater
By contrast, solar energy does not impact the freshwater supply at all. In large solar power plants, a modest amount of water is used for cooling and cleaning panels, but it is significantly less than what is used by fossil fuel power plants.
Solar Energy is Created at the Source
Fossil fuels are non-renewable, meaning that once the source of the energy is depleted (creating Co2 emissions), it needs to be replaced. In addition to these environmental threats, the production and transport of fossil fuels create further carbon emissions and dangers.
By stark contrast, solar energy is created and renewed at the source. The sun offers an infinite supply of powerful energy. When solar power is harnessed for personal consumption, energy use is renewed every time the sun shines! There is no need for trucks, refineries, mines, and no danger of toxic oil spills.
Solar Reduces Dependence on the Energy Grid
A sustainable lifestyle is linked to a self-sufficient lifestyle. Getting home solar panels is essential to gaining energy independence. The primary energy grid is subject to changes in price structure and unexpected power outages. It is also threatened by storms, natural disasters, and changes to weather patterns—which are becoming more common due to global warming caused by increased carbon emissions. Furthermore, the required power infrastructure might not be available for those wanting to live outside major population centers. Solar energy gives people the ability to become completely independent of the major power plants, and thereby offers a great deal of freedom.
Solar Energy Use Saves Precious Financial Resources
Power plants are expensive to run. Moreover, they require an ongoing supply of fossil fuels, which are subject to market price fluctuations. These price increases are then passed onto consumers over time, so household expenses rise.
On the other hand, switching to solar energy saves significantly on household expenses in the medium and long term. Although solar panel installation requires a higher initial investment, over time, solar panels pay dividends back in the form of significant electricity savings. It is a bit like investing in a stock with compound interest which just earns more and more as the years go on.
For a better understanding of the reasons going solar creates both energy and cost savings, check out our latest video!
Ready to Make the Switch to Solar?
In conclusion, switching to solar energy for your home is a brilliant way to kick start your sustainable lifestyle. Using solar energy reduces carbon emissions, as the production of solar power creates zero harmful by-products. Solar energy is as renewable as the sun itself, so the earth's precious resources are preserved by shifting dependence towards solar. For those seeking greater energy independence and reduced reliance on the grid, solar power offers an easy and effective solution – all while helping you save money! Solar energy use is an essential cornerstone of sustainable living.
Get in touch today for a free consult and estimate!